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Can fat deposits come back after the Liposuction surgery?

Unfortunately, you can get fat back after liposuction surgery if you fail to maintain body weight. Accumulation of fat cells will look much bigger after the surgery. Even a slight gain in weight can affect your looks.

Does liposuction reduce body fat or weight loss?

It is not an instant weight-loss solution or obesity treatment. It will not eliminate cellulite, dimples, and stretch marks. It can create aesthetically pleasing contours by removing five pounds of fat from a body part. To enjoy the results for years to come, you have to maintain stable body weight.

Do you think you can get rid of thirty pounds with liposuction?

It is just a body contouring treatment. Liposuction is only a fat reduction procedure, not a weight-loss treatment. You will only lose negligible weight.

It is possible to get rid of five liters of fat or up to 11 pounds with this cosmetic surgery procedure. Eliminating fat more than this is not considered safe.

You will notice a great change in the shape of your body after the procedure. However, if you put on weight, the results will do get affected.

The procedure works not only on the tummy but also on other body parts like arms, thighs, buttocks, neck, calves, hips, love handles, neck, back, and chin.